No-Prep Therapy Activity: Groundhog Day Fun!
(#695) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Winter Wonderland Fun!
(#694) |
Take a Break, Take a Breath: Breathing Techniques
(#693) |
Get to Know Your Speech Sounds: R
(#692) |
The Stages of Swallowing
(#691) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Sunshine Speech
(#690) |
No–Prep Therapy Activity: Take Me Out to the Ball Game
(#689) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Following Directions with Winter Penguins
(#688) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Winter What’s Different?
(#687) |
Home is Where the Meltdowns Are: How to Address After-School Restraint Collapse
(#686) |
Treatment Methods for Childhood Apraxia of Speech
(#685) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Plan a Spooky Soirée
(#684) |
Get to Know Your Speech Sounds: "th"
(#683) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Back to School Bingo
(#682) |
Incorporating Self-Regulation and Sensory Strategies into Your Speech Sessions
(#681) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Hello Summer! (Part 2 of 2)
(#680) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Hello Summer! (Part 1 of 2)
(#679) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Summer Fun Crossword
(#678) |
Tips to Help Your Child Communicate with Their AAC Device
(#677) |
Voice Disorders
(#676) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: “Find the Differences” Spring Picture
(#675) |
Building a Strong Foundation: Better Hearing and Speech Month
(#674) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: All About My Mom/All About My Dad
(#673) |
Resonance: All About Nasality
(#672) |
W-Sitting: What’s the Big Deal?
(#671) |
What is Gestalt Language Processing?
(#670) |
Strengthen Your Core: Core Vocabulary and How to Teach It
(#669) |
Neuro-Crash: How to Identify Triggers and Avoid Stressful Meltdowns
(#668) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Assignments Can Be Flat, Yet Fun!
(#667) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Find the Lucky Clovers!
(#665) |
What is the International Phonetic Alphabet?
(#664) |
Beep Beep: Speech Therapy Activities for Busy Families on the Go
(#663) |
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms – Oh My!
(#662) |
Recognizing and Meeting the Needs of Highly Sensitive Children
(#661) |
Sibling Rivalry
(#660) |
The Conversation Around Autism is Changing: How Best to Support Your Autistic Child or Clients (Part 2 of 2)
(#659) |
The Conversation Around Autism is Changing: How Best to Support Your Autistic Child or Clients (Part 1 of 2)
(#658) |
Executive Function at Home (Part 4 of 4)
(#657) |
Get to Know Your Speech Sounds: /k/
(#656) |
Get to Know Your Speech Sounds: /g/
(#655) |
Executive Function at Home (Part 3 of 4)
(#654) |
Get to Know Your Speech Sounds: /l/
(#653) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Tell Me How to Get There
(#652) |
The Importance of Recess and Outdoor Play: Part 2
(#651) |
The Importance of Recess and Outdoor Play: Part 1
(#650) |
Executive Function at Home (Part 2 of 4)
(#649) |
Get to Know Your Speech Sounds: /s/
(#648) |
Executive Function at Home (Part 1 of 4)
(#647) |
IEP Meeting Tips for Parents
(#646) |
Exploring Autism in Girls and Women: How is it Different? (Part 3 of 3)
(#645) |
Exploring Autism in Girls and Women: How is it Different? (Part 2 of 3)
(#644) |
Exploring Autism in Girls and Women: How is it Different? (Part 1 of 3)
(#643) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Labor Day Scavenger Hunt
(#642) |
Get to Know Your Speech Sounds: Introduction (Part 2)
(#641) |
Get to Know Your Speech Sounds: Introduction (Part 1)
(#640) |
The ABCs of Going to a New School
(#639) |
Co-Teaching and the Co-Taught Classroom
(#638) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Road Trip Ride-and-Seek
(#637) |
Speech Sound Disorders and Literacy
(#636) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Guess My Farm Animal!
(#635) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Guess My Insect!
(#634) |
The Importance of Handwriting in Today’s Digital World
(#633) |
Your Child’s First Physical Therapy Appointment
(#632) |
What is a Physical Therapist?
(#631) |
Autism—the Basics
(#630) |
Online and In-Person Learning Models
(#629) |
What is Central Auditory Processing Disorder?
(#628) |
What is Articulation?
(#627) |
What is Grammar?
(#626) |
Computer Literacy
(#625) |
Digital Product Activities
(#624) |
(#623) |
A Perfect Partnership: Therapists and Parents
(#622) |
Let’s Start Teletherapy! Tips for Parents
(#621) |
Usher Syndrome
(#620) |
Still Social Distancing? More Tips and Activities
(#619) |
Teasing vs. Bullying
(#618) |
Smartphone Addiction
(#617) |
Anger Management for Children
(#616) |
Social Distancing with Children: Tips and Activities
(#615) |
How to Talk to Children About the News
(#614) |
7 Steps to Teach Giving Compliments
(#613) |
Get Ready... Spring Fever is On the Way!
(#612) |
Reading is What? FUNDAMENTAL!
(#611) |
Emotional Eating
(#610) |
Food Poisoning vs. Stomach Virus
(#609) |
Turner Syndrome
(#608) |
Crafting Beautiful Speech and Language
(#607) |
Screen Time and Development
(#606) |
Developmental Milestones – Four to Five Years
(#605) |
Developmental Milestones – Three to Four Years
(#604) |
Meta-Memory Strategies
(#603) |
PANDAS Syndrome
(#602) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Halloween Lotto!
(#601) |
How Safe are Virtual Reality Headsets for Children?
(#600) |
Nondevelopmental Phonological Processes
(#599) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Guess My Monster!
(#598) |
Do You See What I Hear?
(#597) |
Developmental Milestones – Two to Three Years
(#596) |
Twice-Exceptional Students
(#595) |
(#594) |
Flexible Seating in the Classroom
(#593) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: A Chip Off the Ol’ Ice Breaker!
(#592) |
Developmental Milestones – One to Two Years
(#591) |
Tourette Syndrome
(#590) |
Beyond Just Clumsy: Developmental Coordination Disorder
(#589) |
Understanding Sarcasm
(#588) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Back-to-School Barrier Game
(#587) |
Cross That Line! (Midline, That Is!)
(#586) |
Emotional Self-Regulation– A Skill That Benefits Everyone
(#585) |
American Sign Language
(#584) |
Developmental Milestones – Birth to One Year
(#583) |
No Prep Therapy Activity – Basic Concepts Scavenger Hunt
(#582) |
Why is Accent Modification Not Provided in Schools?
(#581) |
Speaking with Emphasis
(#580) |
Does Texting Hurt Writing Skills?
(#579) |
The Importance of Empathy
(#578) |
Hearing Loss
(#577) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: May Flowers
(#576) |
Rule Breakers: Irregular Verbs and Irregular Plural Nouns
(#575) |
Teaching Money Sense to Children
(#574) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: April Showers
(#573) |
What is Cued Speech?
(#572) |
Taking Care of Your Voice
(#571) |
The Development of Infant Feeding and Swallowing
(#570) |
Williams Syndrome
(#569) |
Camps for Children with Disabilities
(#568) |
Soft Skills Can Be Hard!
(#567) |
All About Wellness
(#566) |
Celiac Disease
(#565) |
Say “Yes” to the “No” Phase
(#564) |
Smartphones May Lead to Mental Health Problems in Children
(#563) |
Stay Positive: How the Words We Choose Shape Behavior
(#562) |
Brown’s Stages
(#561) |
No-Prep Therapy Activity: Guess My Snowman
(#560) |
Keeping Students Motivated
(#559) |
Echolalia and Visual Impairments
(#558) |
Travel with Communication
(#557) |
Extra Flashcard Fun
(#556) |
Holiday Season with a Special Needs Child
(#555) |
Benefits of Coloring
(#554) |
Reinforcing Your Child’s Education at Home
(#553) |
Get Moving!
(#552) |
Tree Nut and Peanut Allergies
(#551) |
Thanksgiving Rebus
(#550) |
Fall Fun
(#549) |
Aging Out of Developmental Delay
(#548) |
Mindfulness for Children
(#547) |
Naming Attributes
(#546) |
(#545) |
Further Flashcard Fun!
(#544) |
Aim for Success, Not Stress
(#543) |
I Have a Student In My Class Who Stutters. What Should I Do?
(#542) |
More About Graphic Organizers
(#541) |
The Cycles Approach
(#540) |
Be Prepared for Back-to-School Season
(#539) |
Choosing the Right Preschool
(#538) |
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: The Value of Picture Books
(#537) |
Handling Conflict without Harming Children
(#536) |
Treacher Collins Syndrome
(#535) |
Airborne Allergies
(#534) |
Keys to the Literacy Kingdom
(#533) |
Seeing Red (Or Not Seeing It): What Is Color Blindness?
(#532) |
Right Hemisphere Brain Damage
(#531) |
Just a Little Bit Longer
(#530) |
(#529) |
Poetry and Language
(#528) |
Do Missing Teeth Affect Speech?
(#527) |
Which Speech Therapy Setting is Best for Your Child?
(#526) |
Test-Retest Reliability
(#525) |
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Addressing Fine Motor Skills
(#524) |
Mouth Breathing
(#522) |
Evidence-Based Practice
(#521) |
Cyberslang… :) or :( ?
(#520) |
Total Physical Response (TPR)
(#519) |
Can You Hear That?
(#518) |
(#517) |
Picky Eaters
(#516) |
What Are Mnemonics? (I Can’t Remember!)
(#515) |
Communication Resolutions
(#514) |
Pediatric Dysphagia
(#513) |
Least Restrictive Environment
(#512) |
What’s Happening? Talking to Children about Current Events
(#511) |
Causes of Speech and Language Impairment
(#510) |
Warning Signs for Receptive and Expressive Language Delays
(#509) |
What is “Flipped Learning”?
(#508) |
(#507) |
Speech and Language Therapy Approaches within a School Setting
(#506) |
Tongue-Tie (Ankyloglossia)
(#505) |
(#504) |
Having Good Auditory Skills Means Much More than Hearing Well
(#503) |
Putting Words Together
(#502) |
Data Driven
(#501) |
It is Never Too Early
(#500) |
Benefits of Music
(#499) |
Encouraging Good Communication with Children
(#498) |
What is higher-order thinking? Why is it important?
(#497) |
First Words
(#496) |
Adjectives & Adverbs
(#495) |
The Importance of Verbs
(#494) |
Tonsils and Adenoids
(#493) |
Visual Schedules for Daily Routines
(#492) |
Hidden Dangers Inside the Apps Your Children May be Using Online Safety Tips for Parents
(#491) |
Fidgets: Tools Or Toys?
(#490) |
Time-out: Does it Really Work?
(#489) |
Understand Bad Habits
(#488) |
The Pacifier Predicament
(#487) |
Impact of Colors
(#486) |
Hearing Loss in Young Children
(#485) |
Watch Your Words
(#484) |
Better Speech and Hearing Month – Identify the Signs
(#483) |
What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? Try Not to Overthink It
(#482) |
Ear Tubes
(#481) |
Vitamin Zzz
(#480) |
“The Teacher Wants to Retain My Child – I Don’t Know What to Do!”
(#479) |
What Can I Expect at My Child’s IEP Meeting?
(#478) |
What About Me? – Helping Siblings Understand Autism
(#477) |
Literacy Milestones: Should My Child Be Reading?
(#476) |
Important Qualities When Working with Children
(#475) |
What do you know about a 504? A Complete Guide to Section 504 for Parents and Teachers
(#474) |
Get a Cue!
(#473) |
Special Education Eligibility Categories
(#472) |
Writing Useful IEP Goals
(#471) |
Making Sense of Bell’s Palsy
(#470) |
Working Memory
(#469) |
Growing Out of an Auditory Processing Disorder Is it possible?
(#468) |
Why Are Frogs Green? How to Handle Your Child’s Nonstop Questions
(#467) |
What’s the Difference? Articulation Disorder vs. Phonological Disorder
(#466) |
Temper Tantrum or True Disorder?
(#465) |
ADHD – Myths and Facts
(#464) |
(#463) |
More Flashcard Fun!
(#462) |
Gestures as a Precursor to Spoken Language
(#461) |
Voiceless vs Voiced Sounds
(#460) |
Inclusion Made Easier
(#459) |
Articulation Carryover
(#458) |
What is Assistive Technology? Is My Child Eligible?
(#457) |
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
(#456) |
Flashcard Fun!
(#455) |
Get to Know Your IEP Team!
(#454) |
Decrease Morning Stress
(#453) |
What is Tongue Thrust?
(#452) |
The Dreaded Little Insect
(#451) |
Minding the Gap Part Two: English Language Learners
(#450) |
Back to School Basics
(#449) |
Read My Face! Understanding Facial Expressions
(#448) |
Childhood Anxiety
(#447) |
What’s in Your Bag?
(#446) |
Minding the Gap Part One: English Language Learners
(#445) |
Taming and Tolerating Temper Tantrums
(#444) |
Unpacking Dyslexia
(#443) |
I Screen, You Screen, We All Screen For… What?
(#442) |
The Importance of Play-Based Therapy
(#441) |
Save it for a Rainy Day: Ideas to Beat Summer Boredom
(#440) |
Traveling and Vacationing with a Special Needs Child
(#439) |
The Summer Slide: Summer Learning Loss Facts and Prevention Tips
(#438) |
Creating an Autism-Sensitive Environment at Home
(#437) |
Safety First: National Safety Month 2016
(#436) |
(#435) |
The Speech-Language Pathologist’s Role in Stroke Recovery
(#434) |
May is Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month
(#433) |
Think F.A.S.T.: What You Need to Know about Stroke
(#432) |
Communication Takes Care: Better Hearing & Speech Month 2016
(#431) |
Managing Your Caseload Without it Managing You
(#430) |
Webber HearBuilder® Collection
(#429) |
April is for Autism Awareness!
(#428) |
What is Academic Vocabulary? Why is it important?
(#427) |
Making Learning an Equal-Access Activity
(#426) |
Childhood Concussions
(#425) |
No Child Left Behind Is Out; Every Student Succeeds Is In
(#424) |
Accommodations vs. Modifications: What’s The Difference?
(#422) |
Keeping the Noise Down: Protecting Your Child’s Hearing
(#421) |
Important Changes in Diagnostic Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder What does this mean for families living with ASD?
(#420) |
The Importance of Prosody
(#419) |
Eight Stress-Reducing Tips for SLPs
(#418) |
Is There a Difference Between Hearing and Listening?
(#417) |
What is Reading? What Happens When We Read?
(#416) |
Let’s Play! Tips for Organizing Play Time for Young Children
(#415) |
Beating the Winter Blahs: Ten Boredom Busting Family Activities
(#414) |
Understanding Evaluation Terminology
(#413) |
Holiday Stress Affects Children Too!
(#412) |
What is virtual school? Is an online education right for my child?
(#411) |
Are Special Education Services Available for Students in Private Schools?
(#410) |
The Importance of Eye Coordination for Schoolwork and Play
(#409) |
Disconnect the Tech! Help Your Child “Plug-In” to Good Communication
(#408) |
Read with Me, Talk with Me: Helping Your Child Build Skills for Future Reading Success
(#407) |
3… 2…1… Action: Using Videos to Develop Speech and Language Skills
(#406) |
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Vocabulary Types
(#405) |
Telepractice Delivers Speech/Language Services
(#404) |
Fun Ways to Practice Articulation Skills in the Car
(#403) |
Practicing Language Skills in the Car
(#402) |
How Can I Help My Students Perform Well on Standardized Tests?
(#401) |
You Got Game? Using Technology to Address Individual Learning Styles
(#400) |
What is Sensory Processing Disorder?
(#399) |
Why Won’t My Child Talk About School – Even When I Ask Questions?
(#398) |
The New Affordable Care Act
(#397) |
What is the Difference between Speech and Language? Aren’t they the same? Is there a difference?
(#396) |
Childhood Obesity in Children - An American Epidemic
(#395) |
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
(#394) |
Dyspraxia – Symptoms and Treatment
(#393) |
Children and Depression
(#392) |
Dear Parents……....10 Things Teachers Really Want You to Know
(#391) |
Helping Children Understand and Deal with Emotions
(#390) |
Teaching Children Internet Safety
(#389) |
Common Childhood Illnesses and Communicable Diseases
(#388) |
School Is Out. Yay!!! Now What?
(#387) |
What is Title 1?
(#386) |
What is Blended Learning? Incorporating Technology with Traditional Instruction and Assessment
(#385) |
What is the Meaning of a Core Curriculum vs. Common Core?
(#384) |
My Child Doesn’t Talk Like (or As Much As) His Peers
(#383) |
Mainstreaming English Language Learners into the Regular Classroom
(#382) |
My Child Can Read – But Won’t!
(#381) |
Help Students Develop Strong Vocabulary Skills
(#380) |
Whatever Happened to Unstructured Play?
(#379) |
Six Early Literacy Skills Predict Reading and Writing Success
(#378) |
Building Early Literacy Skills through Speaking and Listening
(#377) |
Students with Disabilities and the Common Core State Standards
(#375) |
Helpful Classroom Strategies for Students with Language-Auditory Processing Disorder
(#374) |
Why Is My Child Not Learning To Read? The Need for Early Intervention
(#373) |
Visual Processing Disorder
(#372) |
Are My Child’s Language Skills Developing Normally
(#371) |
Teaching Left-Handed Students to Write in a Right-Handed World
(#370) |
What are Learning Styles?
(#369) |
Is My Child Ready for Kindergarten
(#368) |
Helpful Strategies for the Active Learner
(#367) |
Developing Students’ Social Skills through Scripting
(#366) |
Social and Academic Vocabulary—What’s the Difference?
(#365) |
What is 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome?
(#364) |
Understanding Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder
(#363) |
Sharpen Reading Skills all Summer Long
(#362) |
Using Calendar Activities to Extend Classroom Learning
(#361) |
Parents, Be Prepared For Your IEP Meeting
(#360) |
Is It Possible to Revise My Child’s IEP Once I Sign It?
(#359) |
What are Developmental Domains?
(#358) |
Using an Appropriate Volume
(#357) |
What are Phonological Disorders? Can they be Corrected?
(#356) |
Let’s Go to the Dentist!
(#355) |
Present, Past, and Future Tense Verbs
(#354) |
Rebus Activities for Articulation
(#353) |
Language Lab: Response to Intervention (RTI) Program for Teaching Grammar, Vocabulary, and Storytelling
(#352) |
Using an Appropriate Rate of Speech
(#351) |
Narrative Stages
(#350) |
Narratives – From Oral to Written Language
(#349) |
Giving Advice – A Social Skill
(#348) |
Apps for Students with Communication Deficits
(#347) |
Apps and the School Speech-Language Pathologist
(#346) |
Tips for Topic Maintenance
(#345) |
Teaching Students to Take Another’s Perspective
(#344) |
Dealing with Transition During the School Day
(#343) |
Photos vs. Drawings – Different Levels of Learning Vocabulary
(#342) |
Using Constructive Criticism to Help Children Learn at School
(#341) |
Using Constructive Criticism to Help Children Learn at Home
(#340) |
Sentence-Building Activities
(#339) |
Sentence Structure
(#338) |
Types of Poetry
(#337) |
Types of Figurative Language
(#336) |
Promoting Easy Vocal Productions
(#335) |
Teaching Time Management at Home
(#334) |
Teaching Time Management at School
(#333) |
Building Vocabulary Using Homonyms
(#332) |
Helpful Strategies for Auditory Memory
(#331) |
Journal Writing Activities
(#330) |
Journal Writing Across the Curriculum
(#329) |
Using the Technique of Brainstorming in the Writing Process
(#328) |
Fun Ways to Practice Fact vs. Opinion
(#327) |
Helping Students Understand and Distinguish Fact vs. Opinion
(#326) |
Ways to Teach Opposites
(#325) |
The Thesaurus—A Writer’s “Best Friend”
(#324) |
A Thesaurus Is Not a Dinosaur!
(#323) |
Ways to Teach Dictionary Skills
(#322) |
Why Teach Dictionary Skills in the 21st Century?
(#321) |
Fun Ways to Practice Main Idea at Home
(#320) |
What’s the Big Idea? Finding and Understanding the Main Idea
(#319) |
Teaching Prepositions
(#318) |
Stimulability for Speech Sounds
(#317) |
Gifted Students
(#316) |
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)
(#315) |
Creative Treatment with Art Therapy
(#314) |
Listen to Yourself: Auditory Feedback Devices
(#313) |
What Does an SLP Do with a Language Sample?
(#312) |
Teaching Negation Should Not Cause Frustration!
(#311) |
Benefits of Recess
(#310) |
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: An Overview
(#309) |
What Is a 504 Plan?
(#308) |
Learning In Motion – Using Movement Activities During the School Day
(#307) |
Secondary Behaviors of Stuttering
(#306) |
Signs, Symbols, and Safety in the Community
(#305) |
Caring for Your Child’s Hearing Aid(s)
(#304) |
Let’s Give a Hand to Puppets!
(#303) |
Scripting: Role-Playing for Social Success!
(#302) |
Sound-Object Associations – Knowing What We Hear!
(#301) |
Love Your Library!
(#300) |
Pardon My Interruption…
(#299) |
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
(#298) |
Teaching Children to Wash Their Hands
(#297) |
Teaching Organization in the Classroom
(#296) |
What Makes a Story…a Story?
(#295) |
Parts of Speech (<-- That’s a Noun!)
(#294) |
State Standards—Specific Learning Guidelines for Each Grade
(#293) |
Standardized Test Preparation
(#292) |
What Are Standardized Tests?
(#291) |
Increasing Attention in the Classroom – Tips for Teachers
(#290) |
Preferential Seating in the Classroom
(#289) |
Taking a Look at Eye Contact
(#288) |
Understanding Metaphors…It’s a Breeze!
(#287) |
Look, Listen…and Sequence!
(#286) |
Sequencing and Executive Functions
(#285) |
Sharing – An Important Social Skill!
(#284) |
Hellos and Goodbyes – Teaching Children to Use Greetings
(#283) |
Making the Most of Field Trips
(#282) |
FM Systems—Devices that Help Us to Hear
(#281) |
Beat Bullying!
(#280) |
Learning to Learn: Strategies for Improving Memory
(#279) |
Learning Through Predictable Books
(#278) |
What Is a “Hi-Lo” Book?
(#277) |
Adapted P.E.—Physical Education for Children with Special Needs
(#276) |
Social Workers Are There to Help!
(#275) |
Visual Timers
(#274) |
Helping Children to Make Choices
(#273) |
Context Clues—Can You Figure It Out?
(#272) |
Imagine the Possibilities with Pretend Play!
(#271) |
Benefits of Volunteering
(#270) |
What Is Lipreading?
(#269) |
Planning a Trip Helps Children Practice Many Skills!
(#268) |
Summer Camps for Children
(#267) |
Procrastination – We’ll Talk About That Later
(#266) |
What Is Dyscalculia? Is It Treatable?
(#265) |
Maintaining Speech and Language Skills over Summer Break
(#264) |
What Is Extended School Year (ESY)?
(#263) |
Helping Parents Deal with Their Child’s Disability Diagnosis
(#262) |
Fidgets—Tools that Take Away Stress!
(#261) |
Breath Support and Control
(#260) |
Comparatives and Superlatives
(#259) |
Using Sports to Teach Different Skills
(#258) |
Conjunctions “Join” Thoughts and Ideas
(#257) |
Ten Ways to Teach Good Manners
(#256) |
Cochlear Implants
(#255) |
Cooking – A Recipe for Learning Success!
(#254) |
Is My Child Ready to Go to the Next Grade?
(#253) |
Unique Communication Needs of Teenagers
(#252) |
Community Helpers Help Us Learn!
(#251) |
Itinerant Services for Children
(#250) |
Special Olympics—Changing Lives Through Sport
(#249) |
Executive Functions—Something to Think About
(#248) |
Speech Practice at Home
(#247) |
Consistent Attendance in Speech/Language Sessions
(#246) |
Puzzles—Toys...or Teaching Tools?
(#245) |
Animal-Assisted Therapy
(#244) |
Auditory Processing – A Breakdown of Skills
(#243) |
Holiday and Seasonal Activities
(#242) |
Tell Me About Tongue-Tie
(#241) |
Spatial Concepts and Relationships – Early Skills with Preschoolers
(#240) |
Personal Space - A Social Skill
(#239) |
Positive Reinforcement: A Behavior-Management Strategy
(#238) |
Helpful Strategies for Teaching Children How to Play Board Games
(#237) |
How Do We Talk?
(#236) |
How Do I Become an Occupational Therapist?
(#235) |
How Do I Become A Speech-Language Pathologist?
(#234) |
Teaching the Fundamentals of Grammar and Syntax at Home
(#233) |
Homework! Homework! Read All About It!
(#232) |
Fun Ways to Teach Children How to Write the Letters of the Alphabet
(#231) |
Humor as a Learning Tool
(#230) |
Behavior Management Plan: An Overview of Assessment, Goals, and Interventions
(#229) |
Barrier Games—“Do You See What I See?”
(#228) |
Language Expansion vs. Language Extension—What’s the Difference?
(#227) |
Using Educational Software to Help Autistic Children
(#226) |
Circle Time and the SLP
(#225) |
Let’s Get Started!—Exciting Ways to Begin Speech/Language for the Year
(#224) |
Different Ways of Following Directions
(#223) |
Tongue Twisters as a Therapy Tool
(#222) |
Asperger Syndrome: Differential Diagnosis
(#221) |
Nasal Emission
(#219) |
All About Analogies
(#218) |
“I Think My Child Might Have an Oral Fixation.”
(#216) |
Ear Infections—Symptoms and Treatment
(#215) |
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
(#214) |
Let’s Wrap It Up!—Exciting Ways to End Speech/Language for the Year
(#213) |
Idioms—“As Easy as ABC"
(#212) |
(#211) |
(#210) |
What Is a "Lisp?"
(#209) |
Vocal Nodules
(#208) |
Common Speech-Language Pathology Terms
(#207) |
Creating Rich Sensory Experiences
(#206) |
Sensory Integration Therapy and Autistic Children
(#205) |
Oral-Massaging Techniques
(#204) |
A Beginner’s Guide to Graphic Organizers
(#203) |
Right Brain vs. Left Brain – What’s the Difference?
(#202) |
Types of Articulation Errors – A Simple Guide
(#201) |
Sight Words
(#200) |
Understanding, Responding to, and Describing Emotions Using Photos
(#199) |
Autism: It May Not Be What You Think
(#198) |
Autism Evaluations—What to Expect
(#197) |
Joint Attention Skills and the Child with Autism
(#196) |
Helping the Autistic Child Build Peer Relationships and Friendships
(#195) |
I Think My Child Is Autistic. What Do I Do?
(#194) |
What Is Savant Syndrome?
(#193) |
Rett Syndrome
(#192) |
Using Music and Art with Children with Autism or Other Learning Disabilities
(#190) |
Can Pictures Help Autistic Children?
(#189) |
Should I Teach My Baby to Sign?
(#187) |
Gluten-Free Diet and Autistic Children
(#186) |
Understanding Word-Retrieval Problems
(#185) |
What is Selective Mutism?
(#184) |
All About Drooling
(#183) |
Three Tiers of Vocabulary and Education
(#182) |
Phonological Approaches to Developing Correct Sound Production
(#181) |
What is Low Vision?
(#180) |
Oral-Motor Workout
(#179) |
Concepts about Print
(#178) |
What is Aphasia?
(#177) |
Sensory Defensiveness: Strategies to Create Positive Experiences
(#176) |
The FYI on RTI and Special Education
(#175) |
What is Sensory Defensiveness?
(#174) |
Teaching Pronouns in the Classroom
(#173) |
What is Phonological Awareness?
(#172) |
Using Weighted Materials
(#171) |
Reaching Developmental Milestones of Self-Care and Independence
(#170) |
Understanding Echolalia
(#169) |
Guidelines for Identifying Visual Perceptual Problems In School-Age Children
(#168) |
The Importance of Teaching Sequencing to Young Children
(#167) |
What is a Special Education Teacher?
(#166) |
What is an Occupational Therapist?
(#165) |
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month
(#164) |
What is an Audiologist?
(#163) |
What is a Speech-Language Pathologist?
(#162) |
What Are Basic Concepts?
(#161) |
Understanding Childhood Apraxia
(#160) |
Quick Classroom Tips to Improve Handwriting
(#159) |
Building a Foundation for Reading and Writing: Birth through Preschool
(#158) |
Everything You Wanted to Know About an IEP Meeting but Were Afraid to Ask
(#157) |
Guidelines for the Development of Self-Feeding Skills
(#156) |
Feelings, Nothing More, than Feelings: Sensory Integration in the Classroom
(#155) |
The Impact of Self Esteem
(#154) |
Math Around the Home
(#153) |
Talking Toddlers: Language Development Through Reading
(#152) |
Encouraging Students to Use Good Social Skills at School and at Home
(#151) |
Bon Appetit! Picking up Where School Lunch Leaves Off
(#150) |
Vocabulary Development
(#149) |
Tips for Parents to Improve a Child's Writing Skills
(#148) |
How to Assist a Student with Dysgraphia in the Classroom
(#147) |
Creating a Sensory Stimulation Kit
(#146) |
Fine Motor Milestones
(#145) |
Why is it Hard for Some Children to Learn Social Skills?
(#144) |
Breaking the Rules: Decrease a Child’s Feeding Aversions
(#143) |
Teaching Second Language Students In the Mainstream Classroom
(#142) |
Using Reader's Theater to Build Reading Fluency
(#141) |
Developing Coordinations for Scissor Skills
(#140) |
Strategies Improve Content Reading Skills
(#139) |
Handwriting Needs Perceptual and Visual Motor Skills
(#138) |
Detecting Hearing Loss: What’s the Hurry?
(#137) |
Tips for Helping Children With Reading Comprehension Difficulties
(#136) |
Using the Benefits of Yoga with Children
(#135) |
Accommodating Autistic Children Within An Inclusive Setting
(#134) |
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
(#133) |
Using a “Sensory Diet” with Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
(#132) |
Understanding Fragile X Syndrome
(#131) |
Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders in Children
(#130) |
Are Teachers Asking the Right Questions?
(#129) |
Hearing Loss In Children
(#128) |
Collaboration: A Solution for Speech-Language Pathologists
(#127) |
Understanding Cerebral Palsy
(#126) |
Helping Children Develop a Love for Reading
(#125) |
Active Parenting Promotes Successful Child Development
(#124) |
Fostering Fluent Readers in the Classroom
(#123) |
Oral Motor Developmental Milestones
(#122) |
Help Your Preschool Child Develop Fine Motor Skills
(#121) |
Promoting Oral Language Development in Young Children
(#120) |
Understanding Occupational Therapy: Learning through Play
(#119) |
The Teacher Says My Child May Have a Learning Disability!
(#118) |
Develop Writing Skills at an Early Age
(#117) |
Wha |