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Communication Resolutions
by Natalie J. Dahl, MS, CCC-SLP
With the start of a new year, many people have goals, or resolutions, on their minds. It is a great time to start new routines, learn new skills, correct bad habits, and become more organized. Communication is one area in which everyone, young or old, can always make improvements. This year, consider making it a focus with one or more of the following “communication resolutions.”
  • Make eye contact: This is an important social skill that demonstrates attention and lets your communication partner know you are engaged in the conversation.
  • Speak clearly: It is important to enunciate sounds so that others can understand you. Make sure to remember the beginning, middle, and end sounds of words.
  • Read out loud: Reading is beneficial for language development in many ways. It increases vocabulary skills and encourages understanding.
  • Ask more questions: These questions can be about anything, such as events from your day, things that happened in your classroom, what you did on the playground, or who you had lunch with. Remember to listen to the answers!
  • Retell stories: If you watch a movie, read a book, listen to a podcast/audiobook, or see something exciting happen at the store, find a friend or family member and retell the story to them. Make sure to include lots of details!
  • Give your voice a break: Avoid yelling, shouting, and excessive throat clearing. It is so important to save your voice and keep it healthy!
  • Get your hearing checked: Visit an audiologist to get your hearing checked. Good hearing helps you participate easier in conversations and hear the world around you!
  • Speak slowly: When you speak too fast, it can be hard for others to understand you. Make an effort to slow your speech down when you are talking to others.
As you work on these communication resolutions this year, your interactions with others will improve! Your vocabulary skills will increase, you will have better social skills, and others will be able to understand you more easily.
“4 Back-to-School Speech and Language Resolutions to Promote Speech and Language Skills,” North Shore Pediatric Therapy, accessed December 13, 2017,

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