by Abby Sakovich M.S., CCC-SLP
Today is the day! Countless hours of articulation drill work and speech homework have
finally paid off! The results are in and all data points to mastery – your articulation
student has mastered production of the /r/ sound in unstructured conversation!
Immediately, you begin making a mental dismissal to-do list; “talk to teacher, call
parents, schedule meeting…” As your student leaves your speech room for what you
imagine will be the final time, he turns, waves, and utters, “See you next Fwyday.”
The student has mastered production of the target sound(s) in structured activities. Mom
and Dad want to see the carryover of skills to home before discontinuing services, but
everything your student worked so hard to master seems to walk out of the speech room
with him! Now what?
The following is a collection of activities and strategies to promote the carryover of
articulation skills beyond the speech room setting.
Mad Libs – Print premade mad lib activities online, or create your own to target
specific speech sounds or language skills.
Check In Chart – Designate an adult (i.e., teacher, parent, etc.) of the student’s
choice to visit with the student for 3-5 minutes daily. Set a goal with the student
and the chosen adult for how many accurate productions of the target sound the
student is aiming to achieve during the visit. Ask the teacher to mark a tally each
time they hear a correct production. (Note: as generalization nears, ask the adult
to tally the amount of incorrect productions and urge the student to demonstrate
a predetermined number of errors or fewer. For example, encourage the student
to produce less than 10 errors while talking to the adult.)
Speech Tag – During any activity (i.e., ask/answer activities, reading, etc.), take
turns listening for the target speech sound(s) when talking. If the teacher hears
the student say the target sound (correctly or incorrectly), they may lightly “tag”
the student on the back of the hand or shoulder. If the student hears the target
sound when the teacher is talking, they may lightly “tag” the teacher on the back
of the hand or shoulder.
Lights! Camera! Action! – Make up or retell a classic story using student selected
and/or designed props. Write a script, practice, and record the story on a tablet or
flip camera. Students can then listen to their own productions of the target sounds
and rate their accuracy.
Dinner Time – Collect or print menus from well-known, local restaurants, or make
your own. Take turns taking and placing orders while practicing target speech
sounds in connected speech.
Speech Debate – Allow students to debate about age- or grade-level appropriate
topics (i.e., best video games, best place to host a birthday party, etc.) or allow
them to choose and research their own. Record the debate so students may listen
to their own speech and rate their accuracy.
Survey Says! – Conduct a survey of fellow students or adults in the building.
Practice target sounds when designing the survey questions as well as when asking
them. Discuss the results with the group at the end.
Tricks to Help Speech Lessons Carryover into Daily Life by Betsy Schreiber retrieved
10/18/2016 from