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A Response to Intervention (RTI) Program for Reading
by Judy Montgomery, Ph.D. and Barbara Moore, Ph.D.
START-IN® is a nine-week, 45-hour, evidence-based program for struggling readers in elementary grades. This Response to Intervention Program consists of 16 Tasks that address the National Reading Panel's (NRP) five building blocks of reading – Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Text Comprehension. Students with reading difficulties complete the 16 Tasks in one hour sessions, five days a week, using reading materials from their classroom or library. Field tested for three years in urban schools, START-IN® reduces unnecessary or inappropriate referrals to special education.
The 112-page START-IN® book explains the eight steps to begin the program, the research behind the Tasks, detailed instructions for completing the Tasks, and how to measure student responsiveness.
  • Uses only research-based strategies.
  • Teaches rather than tests.
  • Is ideal for underperforming schools.
  • Helps students avoid unnecessary labels.
  • Encourages collaboration between Speech-Language Pathologists, Special Education and Resource Teachers, and Reading Specialists.
  • Meets IDEA 2004 provisions to assess a student's responsiveness to intervention before referral for special education assessment.
  • Includes all activity sheets, data collection forms, parent permission, and administrator checklists in the book and on CD-ROM.
This Handy Handout® includes a black and white version of the START-IN® Program at a Glance. These 16 Tasks address the National Reading Panel's (NRP) five building blocks of reading.
START-IN® Program at a Glance
Each student completes all 16 START-IN® Tasks every prevention/intervention session.
Phonemic Awareness
  1. Read Aloud
    Listen to 3-5 pages from a fiction or trade book at grade level.
  2. Repeat Sentences and Sounds
    Engage in three phonological awareness activities orally, using words from the fiction or trade book used in Task #1.
  3. Hear the Syllables
    Engage in a syllable activity, using words from the fiction or trade book – orally. Use the book from Task #1.
  1. Syllable Types
    List (write or say) 10 words from the fiction or trade book used in Task #1 by type and number of syllables.
  2. Word Baggies
    Complete a Word Baggie Task by creating many new words from the letters of a word from a fiction or trade book selected by the teacher.
  3. Personal Word Walls
    Create and then use a Personal Word Wall (PWW), with assistance and direction, for phonics activities (word families, phonograms, inflective endings, prefixes, suffixes).
  1. Read Independently
    Read one book, magazine, or story at an independent level for five minutes.
  2. Reading Sounds Like Talking
    Repeat, then read dialogue from the story with expression, stress, and fluency.
  1. Compound Words
    Make a list of compound words from the fiction or trade book selection. Play a compound words game with index cards.
  1. Fluency Notebooks
    Read a list of familiar words (horizontally) from the independent reading book at the rate of one per second.Count the number of words read correctly in one minute and keep data in the Fluency Notebook.
  2. "60 in 60"
    Read a list of less familiar words (horizontally) from the fiction or trade book rapidly and accurately. Skip any word not known.Count the words read correctly in one minute. Keep data on a "60 in 60" Rate and Fluency Chart.
  3. "Chunk"the Sentence
    Using a highlighter, "Chunk" five sentences from the independent reader, three sentences from the fiction or trade book, and three more from the grade level content area text.
Text Comprehension
  1. Story Grammar Marker®
    Listen to a trade book (story) read aloud. Complete Story Grammar Marker®, first orally and then in written form.Retell one complete episode.
Fluency and Sight Vocabulary
  1. 100 Sight Words
    Read up to 21 of 100 sight words from the Personal Word Wall (PWW). Add two new sight words to the PWW. Retire two words no longer needed from the PWW.
Text Comprehension
  1. Read to Find Out
    Read one paragraph of a grade level text (any subject) for a specific purpose stated by the teacher.Read until answer is found.Write the answer on a brightly colored sticky note and place in book.For example, "Read to find out how hot the water sometimes gets inside the geyser."
Reading and Writing for Meaning
  1. Make a Little Book
    Make a seven page Little Book every day and enter the information requested.
About the Authors
Dr. Judy K.Montgomery is Professor of Special Education and Literacy at Chapman University, Orange, California. She has 24 years experience in the public schools as a speech-language pathologist, general education principal, and director of special education. She has served as president of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), the California Speech-Language-Hearing Association (CSHA), the Division of Communicative Disabilities and Deafness (DCDD), and the California Council for Administrators of Special Education (CA-CASE).
Dr. Barbara J. Moore is the Director of Special Youth Services for Anaheim Union High School District in Anaheim, California, where she directs special education and support services. She has been president of the California Speech-Language-Hearing Association (CSHA) and the Council for State Association Presidents (CSAP), and serves on the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) Special Education Committee. She created and directed a highly successful district-wide Response to Intervention Program for several years.

*Handy Handouts® are for classroom and personal use only.
Any commercial use is strictly prohibited.

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