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No-Prep Therapy Activity: Groundhog Day Fun!
Rynette R. Kjesbo, M.S. CCC-SLP
Art by Xareni Ramirez
Groundhog Day is a fun holiday celebrated in the United States and Canada on February 2nd each year. According to tradition, a groundhog will come out of its burrow on this day. If the groundhog sees its shadow (because it is sunny), it will get scared and go back into its burrow. People believe that this means we will have six more weeks of winter. If the groundhog doesn't see its shadow (because it is cloudy), the groundhog will remain outside. People believe that this means spring will come early.
Directions: Use the fun paragraph on the next page to talk to students about Groundhog Day. You can use the story to address the following speech and language activities!
1. Seek-n-Find Articulation
Have your students look through the story for any words that contain their target sounds. Circle the words, then practice saying them. Can your students come up with any additional holiday-related words?
2. Groundhog Vocabulary
Re-read the story. Look for words that may be challenging to define (e.g., flock, or burrow.) Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the words.
3. WH-o Knows the Answer?
Ask students WH comprehension questions related to the story. For example, “Where do thousands of people go every year on February 2nd?”
4. What happens next?
Ask your students if they think the groundhog will see its shadow this year. Ask them to explain, why or why not?
Directions: Read the paragraph below about Groundhog Day. Can you find 10 errors? (Hint: Look for errors in capitalization, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and general appearance.)
Pennsylvania's famous Groundhog!
Every year, thouzands of people flock to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania on February 2. Why! Everyone want to know if a groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow! They believe if phil comes out of his burrow and sees his shadow, we will have six more weeks of winter. If he don't see his shadow, spring will come early. This fun tradition has been around for over 100 years. However, Phils' predictions have only been correckt approximately 39% of the time!
Directions: If a groundhog comes out of its burrow on February 2nd and sees its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter! Draw a line from each object to its shadow.

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