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No-Prep Therapy Activity: Winter Wonderland Fun!
Mary Lowery, M.S. CCC-SLP
Art by Xareni Ramirez
Use the winter activity on the following page to complete the following speech and language activities.
1. Snowflake Drill
Use dot markers to dot each snowflake or color the snowflakes with crayons/markers. Say an articulation word five times each time you color a snowflake.
2. Winter Vocabulary
Look at what the children are wearing. Point to or name the clothes you wear in the winter.
3. Do you want to build a snowman?
Follow the path and tell the steps for how to build a snowman.
4. Winter Conversation
What are your favorite things to do on a snowy day?
Would you rather live in a cold or hot environment? Why?
5. What happens next?
Finish the story by writing or saying what happens next:
Sofia was so excited. She put on her coat, mittens, and scarf.
Activity Page: Help the kids build a snowman. Use a marker or crayon to trace the path, then color the picture.

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