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3… 2…1… Action: Using Videos to Develop Speech and Language Skills
Erica Zollman, M.Ed., CCC-SLP
Do you want to engage your students with highly motivating and fun activities during speech sessions? Try making a video! Cameras are everywhere, including smartphones, tablets, and other handheld devices. Students can create videos to address their articulation, fluency, voice, and language goals.
Ways to Incorporate Videos into Speech Therapy Sessions
  • Write and produce a play! Make sure the dialogue includes words that contain the student’s targeted sound(s). Students will love to watch themselves on screen!
  • Film students practicing their targeted sounds at the word, phrase, sentence, or conversational level. Students may read from decks of articulation cards, stories, or textbooks. Review the video with the student, and provide feedback regarding his or her productions (e.g.,”You did a good job putting your tongue between your teeth to make the /th/ sound”).
  • If the student is able, let him/her take data! Allow the student to review his or her video recording and take data on his or her own productions. Both the SLP and student should record data, marking whether each production of the sound was correct or incorrect. The SLP can then compare the two data sets, and discuss any differences in data. Save and review previously recorded speech samples with the student. It can be rewarding for students to see and hear their own progress over time.
  • Help the student to create a video that informs his or her classmates about stuttering. Topics could include types of dysfluency, myths regarding stuttering, or famous people who stutter.
  • Create a video of the student engaging in a conversation. Review the video with the student, and discuss the types and frequency of his/her dysfluency.
  • Record the student practicing a classroom presentation. Review the presentation with the student, and discuss where the student could employ specific strategies. This may also help to boost the student’s confidence before the actual presentation!
  • Students can create a video to educate their classmates about good vocal hygiene.
  • Make a video of the student producing connected speech (e.g., conversing with classmate or retelling a story). Review the video with the student and discuss whether or not student used appropriate pitch and volume.
  • Create videos to model good social skills, such as maintaining eye contact, staying on topic, and taking turns in conversation. Students may also make a video to demonstrate appropriate paralinguistic features, such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and volume.
  • If the student is struggling with a particular social situation, record and review a video of the student role-playing that situation.
  • Using a graphic organizer, allow students to develop a narrative (including setting, character, problem, events, solution, and closing). Create a video of the students retelling/acting out the narrative. Review the video, discussing all of the story elements.
*Be sure to follow district policies regarding filming/using student images.

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Any commercial use is strictly prohibited.

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